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TDU Iceman

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TDU Iceman last won the day on February 4 2024

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    Beight cooks another banger mod
    Another must-have addition to TDU. This time its a long winding backroad that doesn't mess around.
  1. I still hold out hope...
    This is the best TDU2 Oahu road brought to TDU and made better with smoothing. It's still wip but I already consider it a must download mod. UPDATE: Now it's fully detailed with no performance issues. Pretty incredible.
    An accessible tarmac runway is a great addition to the game.
  2. Check the troubleshooting guide here if you haven't already. I would suggest starting over with a new install to rule out whatever extra changes you've made. Install TDU base game and drop Platinum on top of it, apply the 1.12 patch. Then go through the troubleshooting guide. Also there were reports of some versions like TDU Gold causing issues. It should be fine, but check archive.org or abandonware sites for other isos if necessary.
  3. It works. If you run into any issues check the Troubleshooting FAQ.
  4. The rights holders would laugh at your reasoning. I don't know why I'm explaining this, but they don't have to do anything. They own the property and can decide what to do with it. This includes shutting down stupid ideas like enabling online play for pirated copies. Moreover, the fact that a new game is in development only increases the chance of shutting down anything which infringes on their IP. Try to understand that you're looking at this situation from the view of someone who just wants to play a pirated copy online for free. You can't really expect anyone to take you seriously.
  5. You know what would be even more stupid.. supporting hacked versions and opening yourself up to legal trouble after years of developing the multiplayer. Also I'm sure your demand has been noted and put to the top of the priority list.
  6. Check out the other TDU builds with more cars.. they should also have more things to complain about as well, so it should suit your needs better.
  7. Its been delisted from the dealership in the recent patch. If you want it, temporarily replace your current db.bnk (euro\bnk\database) with the original unpatched Platinum db.bnk so you can buy it at the classic merc dealer. Then change the db.bnk back afterwards.
  8. A workaround is to use ds4windows and map the right stick x and y axis to the L2/R2 triggers. This is the quick and easy solution. The following solution is better because its native, but its hit and miss, and also not very easy to set. The DS4 triggers actually count as both analog and digital buttons. In most games which lack DS4 support when you set the triggers they show up as Button 7/8 instead of an axis. Sometimes its possible to bind them as analog if you hold the trigger halfway and then select to bind it in the game options. This method is hit or miss depending on the game, and may take a lot of tries to get the axis to show up.. but it is a possible solution.
  9. Looks like its back up. Many thanks to lean and everyone else involved with the server.
  10. Sorry to hear that but thanks for the update. Appreciate all you've done.
  11. Nice, planning to do the fire truck too?
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