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Atari EU Forums Hacked - 12 Jan 2010



Ok so it's not these forums that I'm having issues with, but I'm sure Diablo or someone can notify the admins if they don't already know what's going on.



Spose I'll have to pick a winner for the caption game later on. :ill:


I'm assuming I'll have to change my password once it's back up and running?


I wonder what Atari could've possible done to annoy these people? :oook:

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From the looks of it, it's not a malicious hack. It seems to be someone that finds security floors in servers and replaces pages with a message like above to alert the server admins to the floors.


I've seen other sites he's done and if he wanted to, he could of caused damage or stolen information etc. but didn't.

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That talk about changing the Single Sign On might gather more pace now for NBP and give Atari a well deserved kick up the arse also to get their community sorted also.


I'd watch your passwords if it's the same for other places that you use, as you don't know what info this person got access to though truth be told I would seriously doubt anything like that would have been found, except for perhaps a few password hashes.

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My email password is unique compared to passwords I use on the net, so not much to worry about there. I'll likely change it afterwards, though.


The guy has a German email address posted there, and I haven't seen any sour threads on the English forums there. You'd think someone who goes to all the trouble of hacking servers would have a more appealing webpage design. :p

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I just lolled at the fact this guy seems to think he's so hard and that he's able to hack webpages but not spell correctly. :lol: :rolleyes:


I do hope that no passwords or anything were stolen though, for the community's sake.

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I thought he was just trying to speak l33t, then I saw people commenting on in a took a closer look at the picture :fp: And facepalm at Atari for having an official website with such bad security measures that he managed to hack it. :confused:


I think I'll change my password though, just in case.

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