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Yes there is a way to get on eden island and I think the small island also. Use the enter anywhere via map trick to access the pier directly across from the island and strangely enough unlike the TDU1 you can drive right off the pier and over to the island.


Job done!



if video above doesn't show.


Enter Anywhere Trick


Put your nose of the car against a fence, bulding, barrier etc then jump to your map. Then exit it via B (Xbox), O (PS3) and whatever you have set for PC. For about half a second you will be a ghost so drive forward or shift into 1st gear if manual and accelerate. If done right you will warp through whatever is in front of you.


You know what annoys me, last week or earlier when I found out about the get in anywhere trick I drove into the pier and stopped right at the edge and looked at the island and was like "there must be a way to get across". It was literally RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME. :fp:


That's twice now I've not done the obvious to find something out, the other is the predictive slots just because I don't mind a 9 on my screen. :cheeky:

:stop: I see you've been reading the general discussion area on tdu2.com. :cheeky:


I wonder if you can drive anywhere around the island. :hmmm:

All the roads are still on it so I think you can, I hope you can. Thanks for the tip Diablo :D


Interesting... if I can make sense of this I may give it a go. Shame they didn't put a direct warp to the island like in TDU, with TDU2 graphics it would be awesome, seems a waste to not make it accessable purposly.


I got it to work but Eden Island is almost a no go area, the server is just full of people trying to glitch over and the constant in and out of the map by 6 or 7 players causes a world of framerate issues.

I'm surprised the ground is hard all the way to the island. :)


This thread has just made my brain melt.


Screw runways! We can just max our cars out at sea! :lol:


I finally got the ghosting to work! The only way it works for me is i back up to whatever wall then i hold the pedal down in reverse then go to map with foot still down then press back and i'm able to ghost through objects in reverse.

Can't drive on the water to get to Eden island.


I think the ghosting trick is much harder to pull if you are using a steering wheel and manual transmission. It should be easier if you use automatic and some gamepad or keyboard.

I'm using an Xbox360 gamepad on PC, autmatic transmission, hardcore mode (no driving aid). Never had problems, it's really easy to do with that setup.


Nope, I don't think it works on PC. Been trying for a while now me, Stinger and a few more. But where as Diablo can just drive straight off, on PC there is a clear "edge" and you just fall in the water. :(

Nope, I don't think it works on PC. Been trying for a while now me, Stinger and a few more. But where as Diablo can just drive straight off, on PC there is a clear "edge" and you just fall in the water. :(


Confirmed, we just fall straight off no matter what speed and so on you go at. Tried all the angles of that pier and no luck :/


Its fixed for PC I guess. Eden symbol is gone too so you cant teleport there (or its hidden somewhere far far away)


You can drive off a a different pier as well. It's a shorter wooden one need some huts about 15/20miles up the road. All you have to do is jump off the road and land on the pier and drive off the edge and you can go anywhere from there.


Much easier than getting the ghost thing working.


Found out my One-77 actually does 233 rather than 220MPH then went to close to land and fell in the water. :fp:

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