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    The Compensator


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/03/2014 in Posts

  1. :duck: I've had a great month instead of just a day :D First of all I got a job as a substitute english teacher in my former school and that meant that I had money to spend on things.. ..in Italy :D I went to visit a friend of mine who was an exchange student here for a year. Stayed at her place for a week with my girlfriend, her sister and her cousin, near Milan. I couldn't have imagined a better place to stay at, her parents were the most hospitable people in the world and italian people in general were some of the nicest people I've ever met. The food was delicious, as you could imagine :p And I got to see some amazing places as well! Venice! Still can't believe that it actually exists and it was bloody amazing! Definitely one of my childhood dreams come true! :nods: Also spent a day shopping in the old city of Monza and another one in Milan where I saw the enormous Duomo church: We spent one day at a nearby lake sunbathing, the views were INCREDIBLE :eek: And on the last day there, I got to fulfill another one of my childhood dreams... Autodromo Nazionale Monza. I got to see the legendary track! F1 preparations at full speed and I got to see a glimpse of all of it. If only I had booked the return flight a week later so I could have attended the race as well but that's something that I'll still have to look forward to ;) And back to work tomorrow ._. Sorry for the poopy pictures, snatched them from my instagram feed as I haven't transferred anything from my camera to my PC yet. TL;DR: Happy because Italy was amazing :)
    5 points
  2. I guess it's that time of year again. *sigh* :bdown: Modding in most capacities is something that is done by an individual during their own time and also at their own expense. Don't forget that first and foremost. Yes some modders - as we have seen in the past - will get full of themselves and act like they are some sort of celebrity and can freely criticise and shoot down people who offer feedback or even other modders, but looking and sounding (via your posts) like a pure tool doesn't make you look good in any way at all. And the sad truth is that you will always have people want you to make their favourite or something different to what you are, because as with most cases like this the most vocal are the minority. Those who are saying nothing are fine with what you are providing to them and can't wait for what comes next, however those who want something different will tell you this and of course they won't be alone but like it or not you guys are usually the smallest group, everyone else is content with what's coming down the pipeline. What's funny though is if you look about you can actually find plenty of everyday cars for download, maybe not the one you specifically want but unless you are doing the modding yourself you can never be sure you will actually get what you want. The other point is most modding is converting so unless a model that you want is available chances are it's not coming. And hilariously enough TDUZoqqer has the most right to shout how great he is and how bad everyone else is, as he actually makes some of his mods from scratch but he's like the ideal modder as he takes everything in his stride and shares his skillz with the community freely! I honestly can't think of many other people like him who are this down-to-earth and relaxed. Last thing - you want the Unofficial Patch to continue? Well you need the people involved to... well be involved, so if they start leaving or getting irate at the feedback and sniping then they may just walk away completely, then where are you and who does that help? No-one. The old saying of; 'you never know what you had until you've lost it' applies and if a small number of you don't consider this then you will find out s**ner rather than later that having nothing is complete crap next to having something. Now play nice.
    5 points
  3. I'm not gonna take sides here as I agree with both, I've had a small go at modding, I made models and textures for GTA SA and even that was very time consuming and hard work, I just think that some people do not understand quite how much effort goes into these mods that we do nothing for. so on that side of things I am on Minime's side. However he has been a little "up himself" as people from my area would say, modders all deserve credit in my opinion and I do believe there are some modders who completely ignore the community and any suggestions. Though I am not sure Minime is as bad as some, I can totally understand why it can get frustrating. But there are billions of people on this earth and we all want something different. and sometimes if you want something you do have to do it yourself. either way I respect the amount of work the modders put in. I respect everyone's opinion because everyone is entitled to that. -Carlstone13
    5 points
  4. Minime891

    TDU2: Unofficial Patch

    Well that's it for me but i don't want to be part of this community anymore. Sorry Jorge and Xarlith but modding until gone 5am or some days not even going sleep is not worth it anymore. Post after post of why isn't this car in this patch or this one. And when i say some thing i get attacked. I thought you guys would be happy that just some thing is coming but i guess not.
    5 points
  5. A Diablo SV, well of course now you have my attention. Hermano: I wasn't implying anything in regards to your question, all I was saying was if you don't show that your question is not one of the usual 'why this car?' or 'can we have this one?', then no matter how it's worded it can easily be construed that way because words are just words and people can read a tone that's not meant to be there in them. You have to remember being a modder is quite a thankless role, they see the downloads hit the 100's, 1000's and probably beyond but get little to no recognition or gratitude for the work they did to bring that mod to these people. So it doesn't take a smart man to realise that when someone says they should be working on something else, or that they hate all these types that they're making, that a sharp reply is given back in some instances. Truth be told they probably hear more about what they should not be doing than a thanks for what they are doing!
    4 points
  6. Well at the end of the day, all this would be avoided if Minime and others could just reply to people in a grown up manner. What Hermano said deserved no condescending language in reply... Heres a tip for modders: You can always IGNORE all future posts from downloaders and only reply to those reporting bugs or something. Simple. No arguments caused.
    3 points
  7. They need more cars in the list otherwise I can see people waiting for it to go down in price before purchasing due to the lack of cars. Especially when you consider it next to the console equivalents. PC may be ok as they are used to low numbers in their games which they then bolster with modding.
    3 points
  8. RobikV3

    TDU2: Unofficial Patch

    Then buy a steering wheel and cruise around slowly in 3rd gear it doesnt matter what car youre in, be it Toyota Aygo or Aventador proper cruising is always fun Oh wait... were talking about TDU2 forget the part with wheel :D
    2 points
  9. yeah that's true, and I would love to see more mid level sports cars in the game personally, My dream car being a 93 RX7 (not far from my current car haha) but as I said before the modders do as they want to do, it's really their call and I'm just grateful for whatever we get...as long as it's not another Veyron XD So yeah, I am kinda agreeing with your point, but these guys can do whatever they want and lets face it, all we're getting is more, and I for one will not complain. These guys put a lot of effort in I expect Not meaning to rant haha, and suggestions are always good, but when they say something atleast give some credit for the people working to give you a free update to this game :)
    2 points
  10. So? Some variation is nice. And TDU is also a very nice cruise game, and some normal cars are nice for that. Driving 300 km/h in a Ferrari gets old.
    2 points
  11. Now don't be mean to Milli, Ry, that's not nice.
    2 points
  12. Travelling is a good thing. :btup
    1 point
  13. Eudemon

    TDU2: Unofficial Patch

    New billboard ad that's coming?
    1 point
  14. All I can say is Amen to that, Well said.
    1 point
  15. Kelvjy

    Post Your Screenshots Thread!

    Here yah go :) Timmeh! We'll have to have a blast on the Transfagarasan and see who crashes the most spectacularly :nods:
    1 point
  16. waow keep up the good work
    1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. If you ask Andy Tudor it's only been less than 2 years. Don't know what he was doing when the rest of us joined in October 2011 :p
    1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. :lol: Objection! Thank you, Godot.
    1 point
  21. Yeah there was a Gullwing mission that took you through Mt Kelekole with a jaggerred road. If you wanted to do it perfectly you literally had to detour around half the island. Epic drift yo! (may require you to be logged into gtplanet.net)
    1 point
  22. Maybe he'll be changing the TV DGSoTW shots more frequently from now on. :hmmm: And it's nice to see our chef after a long time. :nods:
    1 point
  23. The deliveries would've been better if shifting with the paddles weren't hit or miss... Speaking of hit, it also would've been better if there weren't any invisible [yet solid] cars on the road...
    1 point

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