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Everything posted by Djey

  1. There are useful switchs, main issue is I haven't been able to combine them : - fps : display fps - pos : gives coordinates (kinda debug mode) - w : windowed mode maybe there are others ...
  2. you can also launch TDU with changing the command line : add the -w switch to executable command in shortcut TestDriveUnlimited.exe -w game will run in 1280x720 - will allow you to start and set a correct resolution. Save it then quit, finally start the game without the -w :)
  3. [ATTACH]17715[/ATTACH]
  4. I can't believe you mates still modding this piece of *** ... you rock period. And yes TDU2 sucks, can't wait to enhance et enjoy TDU's graphics more with my upcoming rig + G25. TDU does survive, thanks to modders. If I had time, I would be tempted to code even more for it :) Edit : it's not for TDU1 sadly :ill:
  5. Seems they were up last week :) Test Drive Unlimited 2 Forums - View Single Post - TDU server Unavailable (PC) and life's sweet here, for sure :sunny:
  6. sunday 3rd June should be ok on my side :) TDU1 installed in PC, still ! (so as the mods :D )
  7. This thread comes from nowhere, the author did not even mention any source. Everybody has taken it as official .... so there are chances final result would be less than expected. Official contents are just here : DLC2 Details Released - Test Drive Unlimited 2 Forums No false hopes, guys :)
  8. Hi, great works as always :) one question, once I've made changes with your tool, is it saved in profile ? or will I have to apply those settings each time I wanna drive this car ? Ready to test btw :p
  9. ROFLMAO :twisted: Seriously, that may be the greatest point TDU2 has compared to TDU. You can do what you want with game files ... finally ! Thanks for credits anyway :D
  10. yeah, that is. I hope it has effects in game definely, rollin and I will happily test those settings. btw, that reminds me I have wiki pages to write still :)
  11. Nice Speeder, I will try to help. Anyway you have my support onto this project. Suggestion : why don't begin with fixing physics ? there are plenty of parameters in files to test, to try and enhance them :)
  12. OMG, what's that engine sound mod ? my ears are bleeding ... :ill: cool gps mode nonetheless *goes to portal 2*
  13. A kind of trainer could force engine RPM to 0 for example, maybe you'll have to start again with the gas pedal.... Memory reading and writing are possible, e.g. cam hack :)
  14. Sssssssssssspleeeendide :D https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iak5EslZRGM
  15. What u talking about ? Decryption is not a problem, there are tools for that and publicly released for a while. Do not talk about what you dunno, please. troll ? yes this thread should be closed, and you can move, as well :)
  16. Just to add the camhack mod is mandatory to enjoy this mod; default camera position in cockpit is.... crap ! :D
  17. Nice to see you back in modding Stefan! And thanks for this quality enhancement, will try it for sure ;) +rep
  18. ok, btw Oleg is currently improving the filter (added flashdashboard and CarVelour shaders recently) ZModeler Forum View topic - Test Drive Unlimited2 .3DG filter (10.Novermber.2011) so :)
  19. Hi a real problem, thanks for having started discussing about it :) I'd say even traffic cars are much more visible when they use their turning indicators, because there's a kind a flare around the lamp ! Cars we are driving do not have this effect, thus making it difficult to be seen! A shame because it was at least one cool feature for TDU2, but has not been made quite well ... :( Maybe would it be possible to check differences between traffic vehicles and driveable ones, in ZModeler ?
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