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[headline]In 2017 I will endeavour to... [/headline]

Time for another round of 'Oh yes... I will set out to do X and perhaps some of Y' but likely fail in keeping to it by, let's be generous and say, the end of January.


Maybe you want to get a new job, perhaps it's time to learn to do that thing you've always wanted or maybe just maybe, it is time to bring joy to someone other than your selfish self for a change. :twisted:


Whatever it may be, let's hear it and let us also see how many can keep to it.


Seems far away enough now but 2018 will be counting down to its arrival and when it does, who will finish as smug mug after being able to keep to their NYR proclamation!


Oooooh I have many. I'm determined to do many things this year, but at the core of it I really want to just enjoy 2017. I'm almost 22 (which is terrifying) and I feel like I've wasted the past 2 years so I'm going to make this one a fun year. I've already got tickets to see Green Day and Guns N' Roses, got a holiday to Aussieland in a few months, and I'm about to start learning how to drive. I just need to figure out what to do for the second half of the year. :hmmm:

Oooooh I have many. I'm determined to do many things this year, but at the core of it I really want to just enjoy 2017. I'm almost 22 (which is terrifying) and I feel like I've wasted the past 2 years so I'm going to make this one a fun year. I've already got tickets to see Green Day and Guns N' Roses, got a holiday to Aussieland in a few months, and I'm about to start learning how to drive. I just need to figure out what to do for the second half of the year. :hmmm:


Sounds awesome, funny how I got the same feeling a year ago (when I was almost 22) and went abroad and saw tons of my favourite bands live. Gotta tell you, personally 2016 wasn't anywhere near as bad of a year as it was generally. So I have a strong feeling that this should be your year. I've also heard Axl sounds surprisingly good :p


I finally will graduate, move to another city and will try to find a job. :hmmm: Already suffering from anxiety.


Those are some big steps in your life, I hope you will succeed in your goals :nods:

I finally will graduate, move to another city and will try to find a job. :hmmm: Already suffering from anxiety.


It's about time :p (kidding :cheeese:) I'm sure you'll be fine :btup


Sounds awesome, funny how I got the same feeling a year ago (when I was almost 22) and went abroad and saw tons of my favourite bands live. Gotta tell you, personally 2016 wasn't anywhere near as bad of a year as it was generally. So I have a strong feeling that this should be your year. I've also heard Axl sounds surprisingly good :p


Haha exactly, you know the feeling :p Hopefully you're right. I'm really excited for this year. :hmmm:


None of it will happen, but:


- Finally move in to my own house. Pretty fed up of certain things at home and truth be known if I could have moved out sooner I would have.

- Get another job. Five years at my current one and I've never liked it (borderline hated it). Doesn't pay enough and 300 miles on the car each week before I do anything beside commuting as well as other things I'm not going to mention.

- Get a girlfriend. This one plain just will not happen + I like having money ;)


The one I most want to happen is to move out. I'd like to say it would then lift a huge weight off my shoulders, but then there would be many, many bills I've never had to deal with even though I do contribute money to live at home anyway.


Other than keep getting through school with passing grades I am not going to set myself any resolutions. I'd like to be able to act more spontaneously so I'll see what 2017 has in store and hope that it is a better year than 2016.


I can't think of one because both myself and my life are absolutely 100% perfect.




I just don't know where to start and what order to list the resolutions and what my priority should be. I should just let someone else decide my resolution and stick to that, who wants to choose mine?


Be less of a bitch has been my failed NY resolution for the past decade, so don't waste your time suggesting that one :gay:


Should really post my own too:


Be more helpful to family in particular (in other areas than I usually am)


Be more realistic


The second one is more about making me stop putting things off as too many times I plan to do something or say I am going to do something but don't, and then something happens that shows I should have just done it. Live and learn for sure!

I can't think of one because both myself and my life are absolutely 100% perfect.




I just don't know where to start and what order to list the resolutions and what my priority should be. I should just let someone else decide my resolution and stick to that, who wants to choose mine?


Be less of a bitch has been my failed NY resolution for the past decade, so don't waste your time suggesting that one :gay:


Get a job :p Or drink less porn star martinis :cheeky:


Should really post my own too:


Be more helpful to family in particular (in other areas than I usually am)


Be more realistic


The second one is more about making me stop putting things off as too many times I plan to do something or say I am going to do something but don't, and then something happens that shows I should have just done it. Live and learn for sure!


Being more realistic is a good goal. It's so easy to set yourself a million and one tasks which can be overwhelming and you end up procrastinating over them. :hmmm:

Get a job :p Or drink less porn star martinis :cheeky:


I could easily get a job, I'm just holding out for a career :p


And you do realise your 2 suggestions contradict each other? If you think I drink too many pornstar martinis now, wait until I have a proper income :cheeese::evil:

  • 5 weeks later...
  • 10 months later...
Should really post my own too:


Be more helpful to family in particular (in other areas than I usually am)


Be more realistic


The second one is more about making me stop putting things off as too many times I plan to do something or say I am going to do something but don't, and then something happens that shows I should have just done it. Live and learn for sure!

I made some progress with the helping family thing but I still get annoyed with some of the more repeatable requests and asks. :huh:


The second started off well enough and has done me well in some areas, but others I am still non-willing to act on because I see little-to-no response to the work I have done or am doing. Ironically, this is detrimental to both causes because one causes a negative reaction to the other.


Personally I am at a better place than I was in 2016. As for professionally, I think I need to live up more to my username on here.

Oooooh I have many. I'm determined to do many things this year, but at the core of it I really want to just enjoy 2017. I'm almost 22 (which is terrifying) and I feel like I've wasted the past 2 years so I'm going to make this one a fun year. I've already got tickets to see Green Day and Guns N' Roses, got a holiday to Aussieland in a few months, and I'm about to start learning how to drive. I just need to figure out what to do for the second half of the year. :hmmm:


For the most part I did enjoy 2017. Guns N Roses was amazing, sold my Green Day tickets though :lol: Australia was a fantastic experience... dying to go back. Passed my test first time, loving driving.. couldn't give it up. Overall I've had more experiences and fun in 2017 than any other year of my life. Bring on 2018 :btup

Not an original response but I want my new years resolution to be 3440x1440


2016 was pretty big for me. 2017 will either be bigger or more chill.



:D Resolution achieved! On top of upgrading my monitor I moved out of home into my own place at the start of June and started dating around the same time.



For 2018, I think I will stay 3440x1400. :cheeky:

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