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Whaaa? We don't have a 'meh'? We should have a 'meh'! DIABLOOOOOOO :lol:








Ummm yeah, as far as I know the only ones who "stole" mods posted them on a non-english TDU2 community site anyway so tbh I wouldn't really care. It just shows what the real motives are, and there's a bit of ego there. It would be rude not to acknowledge what he has done over the years though (plenty more than me), so thanks for that if you're reading.



Do you have nothing better to do?Not Tool's fanboy or something but leave guy alone.You troll here against him,he troll there against 'mod stealers',and some Russian is trolling against everyone.Can you,at least,stop?

because certainly someone will reply this,them you will reply again and this will go over and over and over til someone gets his arse banned


OK,I swear that this is my last post in this thread :)


Thats why i think helping random people in any case is clean stupidity. When You help You are friend. When You stop You will get bullet in your back. New modders should rethink doing anything for others for free. They will be flamed excacly as tool.









lol yeah, I'm staying out of this one as we had a heating debate about this same matter last year. Because he decided to 'quit' again that time.


To be fair to the guy, he's done a hell of a lot to keep this place alive (Not just tool, but he did start the 'high quality mod' phase)


Others have followed in his footsteps and become better than Tool, which he didn't like.


He does (did?) these mods for free, so there are no reasons to be angry at him. It's his choice if he wants to stop modding. Just like it's our choices if we decide to leave a forum.


I say 'Let him go, there are many other modders out there.'


Yeah, he has done a LOT when it comes to modding TDU & TDU2 and keeping this place alive. And he does (or did) put a lot of love into his mods to make them look the best way possible, so they're not "just conversions". Anyone remember his Zonda Cinque? iirc he like modified it himself from the Zonda F. So I don't understand all the trolling and hating and flaming. I totally respect his decision.


At the end of the day look around many places where modding is a focus and you will see that sharing the methods and the knowledge is common place, there is hardly any holding info or techniques back and more about the advancement of making the modifications and ways much better and improving on them constantly. Tool is a popular modder sure but there are many others around also and in fact many of these guys don't mind sharing their finds or knowledge with others and actively encourage others to get their hands dirty and point them the right way. Look at the cockpit indicators discovered by someone and used now or was used by Tool. This was free knowledge given out but if we look to the past we see a lot of "techniques" that have been discovered but never or hardly shared because certain people only want their mods to be the best and for their followers to await every single release from the Mod Lord almighty and this is totally and completely not what modding is about.


So Tool has quit [again], fair enough and of course we have people talking him up and others berating him and both sides are right and wrong in what they are doing but at the end of the day we know he'll be back and to be brutally honest how he ever felt that an exclusive restriction system would actually work is beyond me as nothing is ever exclusive even if premium. Look around the net and virtually everything that requires a subscription, a purchase or otherwise is available for free through some means on the net and if someone has it then they will share it. You have 1 person out of a group of 50 join and download the file then of course they are going to share it with everyone they know and then what those other 49 do can't be stopped and thus you have an unstoppable ripple effect.


I have nothing against Tool or anyone else but sometimes you have to make the mistakes in order to learn from them, being anyone online is always going to be a 99% thankless job, you have to accept that and as much as it may annoy and discourage you all you have to do is look around and see how many and who is enjoying what you created and in all fairness that should be enough. As in actuality that shows that people actually want to a) seek out what you have created b) want to use what you have created and c) enjoy and wish to pass on what you have created. The very few who actually take the time to say thanks or send an email or even post a comment on a video by (or not by you) which shows off something of yours should really make it all worthwhile in the end as just like the real-world there aren't that many truly genuine people in the world but there are some and those are the ones who will take the time to say thanks. :D


So yeah both sides have valid points and if anything it may encourage others to give it a go and see what they can do which is a good thing as the more attempting the more the community gets to play with and test. Don't pick a favourite as if the chips hit the fan you're stuck looking for a new God. :cheeky:


When "who stole what from who" is unclear, I think it's time to take a step back !

I thought this forum was against hacking and pirating ? Isn't modding others work some kind of stealing/ pirating ??

Tool admitted publicly that his models were from Turn10 in his own posts.

I'm not gonna give any lesson to anyone, but a thief should expect to be stolen sometimes... Even if he is the best of all that's not different.

What I found displaced in Tool reaction, was that he told he has been stolen "his" models... That would be a lie. No further comment from me :)


All i can say too all tdu modders out there i dont care wat kind of modders u guys are rims,cars,sounds,textures

MOD bec u its ur hobby,Mod bec u love it.Mod bec u like it,Mod to make other ppl or players Happy

But NEVA mod for the fame

Tool stopt modding bec delorian or traktorbek unlocket his converted mod for tdu2 with a hex editor and made a big joke of it

and too stop modding only bec of that is britty dumb in my eyes

I know 100% that traktorbek (the rus guy from V8 motos) did the same to my GTR R34 mod for tdu1

and they still did not find wat there were looking for

what ?????? textures ?? matirials ??? lool i just LMAO

but u guys can see i still Mod why ???? BEC I LOVE MODDING

NOTHING Well keep my away from modding my FAV game TDU 1


im out guys

MOD bec u its ur hobby,Mod bec u love it.Mod bec u like it,Mod to make other ppl or players Happy

But NEVA mod for the fame


and this ladys and gentleman,closes our thread,good night and thanks for watchinhg :duck:


Tool381 needs to grow up - he stole from original author and claims it as his. When someone else does it to him it becomes illegal all of a sudden.


If you want to protect the time you have invested that's fine but don't try to protect something you have stolen. Finally if you want to protect something online don't get online. Nothing online will ever be protected fully 100% nothing nada.


Microsoft, Apple and Adobe spent billions of dollars trying to protect their software and they all failed, how much did you spend?

Dont be a tool.


All i can say too all tdu modders out there i dont care wat kind of modders u guys are rims,cars,sounds,textures

MOD bec u its ur hobby,Mod bec u love it.Mod bec u like it,Mod to make other ppl or players Happy

But NEVA mod for the fame

Tool stopt modding bec delorian or traktorbek unlocket his converted mod for tdu2 with a hex editor and made a big joke of it

and too stop modding only bec of that is britty dumb in my eyes

I know 100% that traktorbek (the rus guy from V8 motos) did the same to my GTR R34 mod for tdu1

and they still did not find wat there were looking for

what ?????? textures ?? matirials ??? lool i just LMAO

but u guys can see i still Mod why ???? BEC I LOVE MODDING

NOTHING Well keep my away from modding my FAV game TDU 1


im out guys



i love people like you - you are down to earth and a real human being. Rep for you my man.


[mod edit:] Please don't double post. Use the Edit button instead.




This is still going? Seriously?!


Tool has had his up's and down's but at the end of the day it was his choice whether he wanted to leave or not and this decision should be respected. I know Tool had his enemies but I think it's gone too far now. I mean, what is with all the hate mail coming in? It's got to the point where I wouldn't be surprised if people issued him death threats. You know, I was holding back from saying something as I know I am notorious for starting and fueling flame wars to protect Tool but the fact this topic has been created and is still going is just irritating, mostly due to the fact it has absolutely nothing to do with this forum. It wouldn't be half as bad if this topic was on the forum related to the issue... :rolleyes:


That is all.

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