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  1. civicmanvtec



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  2. Tob-Racer



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  3. Driver:TDU



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  4. Djey



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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/22/2015 in all areas

  1. Hi guys! I decided to create a detailed tutorial about creating cars for TDU. I'm from Russia so yes, i have incorrect english :o But hope you can understand me :lol: So here we go: Episode №1 Episode №2 Episode №3 Episode №4 STUFF THAT YOU NEED FOR CONVERT!!! CLEF
    5 points
  2. Closed thread: you'll find updated documentation within TDUCP project: https://github.com/djey47/tdu-cp/wiki/TDUF-Reverse-Engineering-Files [TDUF] Understand TDU files with FileTool Hello, this thread will explain how to use a TDUF feature, that is FileTool. Also, it's a place where people may collaborate, to help with understanding of TDU Files. PRE-REQUISITES Installed TDUF Toolset (0.2.1+): http://forum.turboduck.net/threads/32570-TDUF-Djey-Tools-and-Discussion-about-new-modding-possibilities Web browser (easy!) Hex Editor software your are comfortable with (optional, but recommended) Sense of logic (a little) Free time (a bunch) Fierceness! That's all for now :) TUTORIALS If you'd need to remember only one thing: you don't have to know the complete structure of a file to begin playing with it. Favor baby steps ;) 1. OPENING EXISTING FILE 2. EDITING EXISTING FILE 3. SAVING EXISTING FILE 4. ADVANCED: ADD SUPPORT FOR NEW FILE TODO FILE STRUCTURE UPDATE Here are all latest known file structures to play with. Feel free to test, modify, understand and enhance them ;) DOWNLOAD REFERENCE FileTool instructions applyjson : writes a json back to TDU file. decrypt : make XTEA encrypted TDU file readable again. encrypt : transform file contents with XTEA algorithm - used by some (db, btrq, playersave...). jsonify : converts a supported TDU file to JSON file, allowing it to be edited. File Structure reference Example: First level information reference: name : to identify file you want to decode littleEndian : true/false, indicates byte order - most of TDU files are little endian cryptoMode : in case of encrypted file, indicates the encryption mode used - 0=Savegames, 1=Others (db, btrq...) fields : list of fields contained in this TDU file (see Field reference below) Note that cryptoMode set to 0 or 1 will make file to be automatically encrypted/decrypted by FileTool, so you won't have to. Field/Subfield reference: name : give clearest meaning as possible - must be unique ! type: one of predefined values indicating data kind (see Field types below) signed: (from version 0.6.0) true if value should be signed, false otherwise. When absent, value is considered as unsigned. size: number of bytes used by this field (see Size tricks below) subFields: used when field type is a REPEATER, list of repeated fields Field types: TEXT: clear text data INTEGER: an integer, numeric value (e.g.: 53) FPOINT: a floating-point, numeric value (e.g : 235,6547) GAP: an area filled with 0's UNKNOWN: to be discovered still REPEATER: embeds a list of complex values (with their own layout) Size tricks: - Size attribute is basically the number of bytes used by corresponding field, but with some exceptions: When UNKNOWN field type, it is not mandatory - if omitted, the field is expected to occupy all remaining bytes in file. When REPEATER, its meaning is the count of repeated items. When REPEATER, it's not mandatory either - if omitted, the sub-items are expected to be repeated till the end of the file. Important: when INTEGER field type, only supported values are 1 or 2 or 4. When FPOINT field type, 2 or 4 are supported. - Value of this attribute may also be a formula e.g : size: "=(2+3)*6" will interpret it as 30. - A formula may contain a reference to a previously read field e.g size: "=5*?fieldName?" will interpret it as 30, as long a field named fieldName has been read before and has a value of 6. Please note: Field reference writes itself as field name declared earlier in structure, surrounded by question marks characters (?) Concerning repeated fields, they get unique name each, following: repeaterFieldName[itemRank].repeatedFieldName e.g ?itemList[5].speed?, will reference speed field, repeated under itemList field, at rank 6 (as first item is always at rank 0). Also, it is possible to reference a repeated field with the same rank without giving the full name: e.g ?speed?, will reference speed field, repeated under the same field as current one and as same rank. CREDITS 2CVSUPERGT &TDUCK community => BIN (cameras) research mcv100 => BTRQ research Speeder => PMI/SHK research
    5 points
  3. Hi This is a topic dedicated to adding new vehicle slots and its components. I managed to add a new vehicle slot in TDU, unlike Megapack 2 project this doesn't use an idle slot but is in fact a new entry in the TDU database. :) This effectively means that replacing cars for mods is a thing of the past. Here's a few initial notes: Its possible Doesn't crash the game when playing online, other players will see the default vehicle If you change the database(clean re-installation for example) and open a save file that has a brand new car not written in the database, it'll also show up as default car, when the database does have an entry that matches it the car will show up. Here's a testing photo: a Plymouth Barracuda, its a brand new slot made by copying over the Challenger entry and editing a few values so its recognised as a new vehicle. New slot is the last one Car in-game, as you can see everything works fine. Will write up a bit more on this later. :)
    5 points
  4. Everything is sorted again, release should hopefully be soon. :)
    5 points
  5. in ver.1.03 added new light system ( like in TDU2 ) and some screens of my new project for TDU1
    3 points
  6. Well, I'm starting to run out of slots lol.
    2 points
  7. No problem, just add 75 Skylines. This is really cool though, nice job on getting this to work. :thumbsup:
    2 points
  8. TDU 1500 cars edition! Let's beat GT6! :lol:
    2 points
  9. 550 Barchetta front lights and bumpers on 575M body = 550 Maranello :lol:
    2 points
  10. Tob-Racer

    Test Drive Ferrari

    I'd like to come back to that request. Would be one of my project for sure. We've got to many Ferraris for TDU but some haven't been made yet. 550 Barchetta is one of them or the mythic 512BB. Atari's 250 GTO needs a refreshment. Can't promise anything but these cars are on my target now ;)
    2 points
  11. Yes, we need more people :cool: Btw how it looks fom my side (im on red Vanquish):
    2 points
  12. [ATTACH]22410[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]22411[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]22412[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]22413[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]22414[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]22415[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]22416[/ATTACH] Greets
    2 points
  13. Nice Egg Star ! Good luck with this one ;) Light system ? Gonna have a try :) Thank you !
    1 point
  14. Yes. This is TDU 1 :D
    1 point
  15. civicmanvtec

    Test Drive Ferrari

    Not many in cars in this one that aren't in Forza, main ones that I can think of are the 512 BB and 275GTB.
    1 point
  16. I'm actually working on that project. ;) I'm learning how to import cars into TDU (Thanks to Driver TDU and TDUZoqqer) Jag E-Type is first :) Model from Horizon 2, LHD
    1 point
  17. this car and rim http://preview.netcarshow.com/Ford-Mustang_Shelby_GT500KR_KITT-2008-hd.jpg and this http://i.ytimg.com/vi/vMk9g60omlM/hqdefault.jpg and this http://cdntbs.astonmartin.com/sitefinity/generic-carousel/db5_exterior.jpg?sfvrsn=0 and http://www.holtenmedia.no/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/WRC2014-2.jpg awesoooooooommmeeesss :) thanks
    1 point
  18. THANK YOU VERY MUCH ! :D I'm gonna watch it later and have a closer look to it. I'm sure it would be very helpful for many many people ;) +rep EDIT: I've started to watch the beginning and don't worry, even if your English is not perfect, At the moment it's understandable. You do explain well what file is what and what we need. Great job on that ! Thank you for your time. Honestly it's a HUUUGE present you've done to the community.
    1 point
  19. You need to make sure you have your tdu2 unpacked. You also need tdudec; Luigi Auriemma, and make sure you set the paths to everything correctly.
    1 point
  20. Tob-Racer

    Ordinary road trip

    Really sorry guys for my bad connection. Hope you had a good cruise ;)
    1 point
  21. Thx guys @ Darky sure i can do that, np
    1 point
  22. Michkolud

    Ordinary road trip

    Thank guys for a ride, too bad Tob was pretty early disconnected.. :( Next week we can cruise again, don't know the date yet. Maybe there will be more of us. ;)
    1 point
  23. Oh my lucking god... New cars + new world + TDU = Ideal Racing Game
    1 point
  24. Milli


    This really amuses me. :lol: And if isn't ask too much, could you make a slightly tuned version of it, with a single exhaust and momo steering wheel? :lol: :D
    1 point
  25. Just released the E92 M3 yesterday :misch: Download link via my Facebook page.
    1 point
  26. Michkolud

    Ordinary road trip

    Ok, so we will meet at 3pm GMT/UTC at Makapu'u lighthouse. I think we can ride the route from the map, but only to the Ka'ena Point. We will ride through Diamond Head, Honolulu, Tripler Army Medical Center and Pearl Harbour (in place of Airport and Raceway), Ewa Beach, Kapolei and then back to Waipahu, through a mountain pass and straight to Ka'ena Point. What do you think about it guys? Tob-Racer, you are responsible for exact route and leading us. :) I haven't decided yet about my car. Maybe Vanquish/DB7/XJ220?
    1 point
  27. A good old Sinatra classic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mhujM7T1_fQ
    1 point
  28. Just a few random AC shots: And some MTA: --- Post Updated --- The one above you? Maybe Forza Horizon 2.
    1 point

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